Quote(s) of the day or what the hell does [sic] mean

23 02 2008

So i have no clue what [sic] means – I love the font Helvetica Neue and Marker Felt, and I thought this was possibly the funniest quote i’ve ever seen:

“My tires are held on by prayers and rubber bands”

It’s so good…I’m actually paying a lot of attention to my grammar; although I’m not sure I know enough about grammar to warrant the attention paid.  I want to learn Spanish, French, Mandarin, and Farsi or Arabic.

Also I’m having some definite problems with deciding what I’m going to do in terms of my career as a physician – surgery is and has ALWAYS been something I’ve felt needed to be done, but at the same time I’m also wondering what I’m going to do in terms of research and the research things always keep drawing me towards medicine…unfortunately there is no intensivist/surgeon specialty…which is what I’d really like to do – work on people who are absolutely super close to being dead, and just sort of bounce them back toward life.  Unfortunately that isn’t the only area that I’d like to work in – depression and addiction neuropsychiatry seem appealing, and inflammation/immunology modulation also seem quite appealing…what am I going to do?



One response

23 02 2008

what about houses that are almost dead? maybe you should perform constructive surgery on them too.

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